Essential oils against nail fungus - natural remedies
Our recipes and natural remedies to treat nail fungus (hands and feet). How to avoid catching them!! or if it is ever too late, how to effectively get rid of these sometimes very annoying fungi.

Nail fungus, also called onychomycosis, is a very widespread fungal infection that affects nearly 20% of French people. Caused by fungi, fungus is a contagious infection and requires a lot of patience once the fungus develops in the nail. In this special report we will reveal to you the best oils and synergies to effectively fight against nail fungus and give you some advice to avoid catching them (at the beach, the swimming pool, in the changing rooms, etc.).

Essential oils against nail fungus


   express recipes   

Synergies of essential oils against nail fungus

Synergies of essential oils against nail fungus.


Preparation: Mix all the ingredients in a glass bottle then apply locally to the nails several times a day. For prevention you can treat the nails (next to them) which are not affected. Note: The essential oils of tea tree, fine lavender and oregano are particularly effective anti-bacterial and anti-fungal oils. These oils must be diluted before application.

How to use it ?

Warning: do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women as well as children under 6 years old.
Laurel essential oil against nail fungus, one of the most effective.

Laurel essential oil against nail fungus, one of the most effective.

Preparation: Mix all the ingredients in a glass bottle. Apply locally to nails several times a day. For prevention you can treat nails that are not affected.

Note: These essential oils are particularly effective anti-bacterial and anti-fungal oils (they must be diluted before application). Argan vegetable oil is a very fine oil that penetrates very quickly.


It's ready!

How to use it ?

Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women as well as children under 8 years old.
Foot (and hand) bath against nail fungus and cutaneous (skin) fungus.

Foot (and hand) bath against nail fungus and cutaneous (skin) fungus.


How to use it ?

Soak your feet in a basin for 20 to 30 minutes and 10 to 20 minutes for your hands. Repeat the operation twice a week in addition to local actions (recipes 1 or 2)
Shoe spray with tea tree essential oil against fungi and mycoses

Shoe spray with tea tree essential oil against fungi and mycoses


Preparation: Mix all ingredients in a spray bottle. Spray the inside of your shoes. Shake vigorously before each use. This spray eliminates the fungi responsible for mycosis as well as bad odors.

How to use it ?

To use every day, preferably in the evening. Do not use in pregnant or breastfeeding women as well as children under 6 years old.


These synergies should not be used in pregnant women (during the entire pregnancy), breastfeeding women and children under 7 years old.
These properties and methods of use do not constitute medical advice. For therapeutic use consult a doctor.

   How to recognize nail fungus: the symptoms

How to recognize nail fungus: the symptoms

How to recognize nail fungus: the symptoms

Treating nail fungus as quickly as possible is a key factor in getting rid of it quickly and without too much effort. The longer you wait, the more difficult the fungus will be to treat. So to treat the problem as quickly as possible, it is important to examine your feet regularly, at least once or twice a week, and to know how to spot the beginnings of nail fungus. If you have any of the symptoms below, don't wait until you have all the others:

  • Deformed nails
  • Irritation of the skin around the nails
  • Split nails
  • Bad smell
  • Yellowish or greenish nails
  • Itching

NOTE: Humidity and heat are conducive to the development of fungi and they multiply very quickly. This therefore explains why people who wear closed and “non-breathable” shoes are affected more often by these yeasts. Be careful, these mushrooms are very contagious!

Or, how and why do we get nail fungus?

Or, how and why do we get nail fungus?

There are 2 types of fungi responsible for nail fungus:

  • Dermatophytes (Tricophyton rubrum, Tricophyton mentagrophytes var interdigitale). It is a superficial mycosis, the specificity of which is its great affinity for keratin (the protein of nails, skin and hair).
  • Candida (Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis). This is a yeast that generally proliferates under the nails due to an excessively humid environment around the nail.

Catching nail fungus is unfortunately very easy, no one is immune. The places submerged by these fungi are swimming pools, showers, saunas, tatami mats, changing rooms of sports halls or clubs, beaches, etc. These yeasts spread quickly in standing water and damp soil. Beauty salons are also risky places because certain utensils may be poorly disinfected after use on a person with nail fungus.


But it is also possible to catch a fungus at home if all members of the family walk barefoot or use the same nail scissors or the same towels, for example. Another triggering factor is shoes, especially made of synthetic materials (non-breathable). These shoes lock the feet in and encourage the appearance of yeast when the feet sweat and moisture is not evacuated.


    Which essential oils to choose against nail fungus?    



Here is our TOP 6 essential oils that are particularly effective for treating fingernail and toenail fungus:


Tea tree essential oil:

It is an anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal oil. It is by far one of the best essential oils against viruses, bacteria and fungi (mycoses = fungi).

Complete product sheet / go to the store

Lavender essential oil:

Just like tea tree, it is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. It is an essential oil which helps eliminate the fungi responsible for nail fungus and regenerate the nail. By combining tea tree oil with lavender, the result is visible more quickly, the nail grows back strong and healthy.

Complete product sheet / go to the store

Laurel essential oil:

Mycoses are one of its specialties, but be careful, laurel essential oil is very powerful and should only be used in low doses and for fairly short periods of time. It can also be allergenic in sensitive people.

Complete product sheet / go to the store

Oregano essential oil:

Very powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, this oil must be handled with great care and must not be used pure as it can become toxic. You must carefully follow the recommended dosages and, if necessary, consult a doctor or pharmacist.

Complete product sheet / go to the store

Clove essential oil:

Very powerful anti-bacterial, this oil can be used during the first week of treatment but should not be used for a prolonged period.

Complete product sheet / go to the store

Chinese cinnamon essential oil:

Anti-infectious, antifungal, anti-parasitic, this oil must be diluted before any application. The treatment should not exceed a duration of more than 2 weeks. Be careful to dilute it well because it is very dermocaustic.

Complete product sheet / go to the store


NOTE: If in doubt, do not hesitate to seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist.


  Health explanation   

How to avoid nail fungus?

It is very important to make sure you use your own towels, scissors, socks and not wear other people's shoes or slippers (of course this is rare but if the person has nail fungus, you will have them too).
Do not walk barefoot in public places.
Ensure that beauticians use properly sterilized equipment before having a pedicure or manicure.

Wear shoes made of leather or natural fabric (both breathe well), avoid synthetic materials.
Wear cotton socks if possible
Wearing open shoes to avoid sweating is ideal in summer.

However, there are people who catch these mushrooms faster than others. Doctors looked into the issue and discovered that our immune system is to blame. People suffering from excessive sweating, diabetics, or people who have taken antibiotics for a long time are more often affected by nail fungus. It is therefore essential to monitor your health and keep your immune system at peak performance!


Why is it important to treat nail fungus quickly?

If you have one or more symptoms of nail fungus, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible to prevent members of your family from being affected in turn.

In addition, if you do not eliminate the origin of the mycosis, that is to say the fungi which are responsible for it, the mycosis can cause allergic skin reactions, eczemas and other skin diseases.

Treat without delay!! The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to get rid of it. Be prepared for long-term treatment, nail fungus is not cured in a week, sometimes it takes 6 to 12 months to completely eliminate the fungus present in the nails (about 2 times the renewal of the nail).




      Daily tips   

Our daily advice:

  • If you are a fan of the swimming pool or hammams, don't forget to bring your flip-flops or any other shoes so as not to be in direct contact with the wet ground
  • Make sure each member of your family wears their own socks and slippers.
  • Assign everyone their own bath towel.
  • If you have already been affected by nail fungus or athletes' foot, use one of the two formulas (Formula 1 or 2) for prevention once a month to reduce the risk of recurrence.
  • Once you get out of the shower, dry your feet and insist between your toes.
  • If you suffer from excessive sweating of your feet or if you are forced to wear closed shoes during periods of high heat, use a foot deodorant to prevent the spread of fungus.
  • Change your socks at least once a day and if possible every time you change your shoes.
  • Do not wear other people's shoes, even those of your family members.
  • If anyone in your family has toenail or toenail fungus, wash all socks and towels at 60 degrees to kill the fungus.

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